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[Admissions & Application] How much is the application fee?
There is no application fee when applying to KDI School's academic programs.
[Admissions & Application] Do recommendations letters have to be written in English? Can it be submitted in Korean?
We strongly recommend finding referees who can write the letters for you in English language. It may not be properly reviewed if it's submitted in Korean or any other language.
[Admissions & Application] Who should I get to write my recommendation?
Recommendation letters should provide information about your performance in either an academic or professional settings. Therefore, your recommendation letters can be from an individual who has known you in a professional context or from a college or university instructor who has known you in an academic context. Ph.D. applicants who have been away from school for a long period of time may submit two professional recommendations, at least one of which details your intellectual and analytical abilities.
[Academic Programs] What is the language of instruction at KDI School? Do I need to speak Korean?
At KDI School, the official language is English, and all courses are conducted in English as well. Students are not required to speak Korean while on campus, nor are they required to submit TOPIK scores during the application process.
[Academic Programs] Is the Pre-semester program mandatory for new students?
There's no pre-semester program available for new international students. However, newly admitted students are required to take the Online Preliminary Program, which is designed to assist our students in achieving expected competencies in core academic skills and help them for a successful transition into a new academic environment. The program covers topics such as basic maths, statistics, and economics, starting before their arrival on campus.