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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
597 KDIS Notice <Notice> Tuition Payment for Fall Semester Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-08 2008학년도 하반기 정부보증 학자금 융자신청 안내문.doc 755
596 KDIS Notice Application for Exchange Program (Spring 2009) Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-08 Exchange Application 2009 (Outbound)_1219146831803.doc 777
595 KDIS Notice List of Graduates for 2008 Summer Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-08 775
594 KDIS Notice 2009 Admissions Alumni Recommendation Campaign Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-08 770
593 KDIS Notice Internet Service to be Temporarily Shut Down Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-08 774
592 KDIS Notice 2008 MPP Alumni Survey Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-07 1137
591 KDIS Notice Course Evaluations for the 2nd Half of Summer Semester Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-07 722
590 KDIS Notice [Updated] 2008 Fall Semester Course Registration Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-07 2개의 첨부파일 767
589 KDIS Notice Fall Semester Advising Schedules Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-07 732
588 KDIS Notice Application period for Leave of Absence (Extension) / Reinst.. Hyun Min Sung 2007-12-07 779