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The Right to

  • Treatment with consideration, respect and dignity
  • Privacy during physical examinations, interviews and discussions
  • Confidentiality of all records and disclosures except as required by law or when the patient gives written consent for release of information is given
  • Participate in decision-making involving one’s own wellness and health care interventions

The Responsibility to

  • Keep and be on time for appointments and, if necessary, cancel appointments as far in advance as possible
  • Respond to staff with courtesy
  • Describe symptoms and details of condition honestly
  • Provide the nurse with accurate information about past and current medical conditions, treatments and medications
  • Follow instructions for treatments and medications
  • Ask for clarification when needed
  • Provide insurance information on request

Communicable Diseases

The school will take action to maintain the well-being of the community when a communicable disease is identified on campus. Depending on the nature of the disease, short-term or long-term isolation from the campus may be necessary for the individual with the disease especially, if a physician and/or the Public Health Authorities so advise.