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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
477 KDIS Notice [Special Lecture] Special Lecture by Dr. Wilfred J. Ethier Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-08 1219
476 KDIS Notice Thesis Submission and Evaluation Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-08 thesis_guideline.doc 849
475 KDIS Notice Research Seminar(Dong-Young Kim) Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 821
474 KDIS Notice [Updated] Courses List Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 2007 Fall Semester Course List(1).xls 836
473 KDIS Notice [Updated] 2007 Fall Semester Course Registration Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 2007 Fall Semester Course Schedule(3).xls 848
472 KDIS Notice [Application period for Leave of Absence(Extention)/Reinstat.. Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 857
471 KDIS Notice [NOTICE] Course Evaluations for the 2nd Half of Summer Semes.. Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 821
470 KDIS Notice KDI School 10 Year Anniversary Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 828
469 KDIS Notice Fall Semester Advising Schedules Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 849
468 KDIS Notice [2007 Fall] Courses List Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 2007 Fall Semester Course List.xls 836