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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
468 KDIS Notice [2007 Fall] Courses List Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 2007 Fall Semester Course List.xls 838
467 KDIS Notice [2007 Fall] Course Registration Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 2007 Fall Semester Course Schedule(2).xls 849
466 KDIS Notice Research Seminar(Sun Lee) Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 794
465 KDIS Notice [2007 Summer 1st] Academic Performance Result Review and Cor.. Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 876
464 KDIS Notice Special Lecture for Diplomatic Communities and Multinational.. Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-07 Invitation2.jpg 838
463 KDIS Notice [2007 Summer 2nd Half] Course Add & Drop Period Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-06 2007 Summer Courses Schedule (Two Worksheets)(1).xls 848
462 KDIS Notice Research Seminar(Taeyoon Sung) Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-06 827
461 KDIS Notice Asian Debate Institute 2007 Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-06 ADI_2007_Registration_Form(1).doc 1248
460 KDIS Notice KDI School 10th Anniversary Contest Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-06 Submission Form.xls 847
459 KDIS Notice Blackout Announcement Hyun Min Sung 2006-12-06 794