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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
257 KDIS Notice [Course Registration] 2006 Spring Course Schedule(timetable) Hyun Min Sung 2005-12-01 2006Spring_CourseSchedule(Master)(7).xls 1069
256 KDIS Notice [Course Registeration] Guideline on Course Registration for .. Hyun Min Sung 2005-12-01 06S_IntroductionForCourseRegistration(Notice)(2).doc 1065
255 KDIS Notice Opening Ceremony and Orientation for the New Students of the.. Hyun Min Sung 2005-12-01 2006OrientationSchedule.doc 1032
254 KDIS Notice KDI School Spring 2006 Admissions: Final Result (Internation.. Hyun Min Sung 2005-12-01 2006_RegistrationProcedure(Intl)_KOICA(2).doc 1064
253 KDIS Notice Research Seminar(Ilho Yoo) Hyun Min Sung 2005-11-02 1055
252 KDIS Notice Research Seminar(Tae-Hee Choi) Hyun Min Sung 2005-11-02 1040
251 KDIS Notice Preliminary Session 2007 for MPP, MBA(Day) Students Hyun Min Sung 2005-11-02 How to register for online courses.doc 1065
250 KDIS Notice Preliminary Session 2007 for MBA (Evening), MFDI, MAM Studen.. Hyun Min Sung 2005-11-02 2007_예비학기시간표(최종).xls 1084
249 KDIS Notice 2006 Commencement :Tomorrow! Hyun Min Sung 2005-11-02 1090
248 KDIS Notice Research Seminar(Il-Ho Yoo) Hyun Min Sung 2005-11-02 1042