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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
116 KDIS Notice Course Registration for Fall Term 2004 Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-07 2004 Fall Term Courses(4).xls 1305
115 KDIS Notice The 3rd Yoido Forum Meeting Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-06 1257
114 KDIS Notice Thesis Submission Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-05 Recommendation from the Thesis Supervisor for Thesis Evaluation-new.doc 1311
113 KDIS Notice [Special Lecture] U.S.- Korea Free Trade Agreement: How Far .. Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-05 Kurt Tong short bio.doc 1227
112 KDIS Notice IMPM Korea Module (Cycle 8) at the KDI School Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-05 IMPM Korea_2004.doc 1340
111 KDIS Notice Notice : Course Add and Drop Period Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-05 Schedule-2004_Summer(9).xls 1295
110 KDIS Notice Int'l Field Research & Study (Only for Korean Students) Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-05 Application Form.doc 1297
109 KDIS Notice EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Public Relations/Communications Asso.. Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-05 1299
108 KDIS Notice NOTICE: Application for Working Scholarship Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-04 1347
107 KDIS Notice NOTICE: Course Evaluation Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-04 1366