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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
96 KDIS Notice NOTICE : Extended Application Period for Working Scholarship.. Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-02 1493
95 KDIS Notice Opening Ceremony and Orientation for New Students Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-02 1499
94 KDIS Notice The MBA Tour at Seoul Hilton Hotel Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-01 1422
93 KDIS Notice NOTICE : Applying for Working Scholarship(TA/AA Positions) f.. Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-01 1374
92 KDIS Notice RAND-KDI Fellowship Announcement (Graduates Only!!) Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-01 1388
91 KDIS Notice Preliminary Term : Online Course Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-01 1871
90 KDIS Notice NOTICE: The Result of English Placement Test Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-01 1417
89 KDIS Notice Preliminary Term Orientation Schedule Hyun Min Sung 2003-12-01 1403
88 KDIS Notice 2005 Admissions for MFDI/KOICA International: Final Result Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-02 1496
87 KDIS Notice Master's Gown & Cap (For Students) Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-02 1486