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No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3717 Exchange Notice Application for GMP Program for Fall 2020 Park, Misun 2020-03-17 1. Exchange_Application_Form_2020 Fall.docx 977
3716 KDIS Notice [Only for Korean] 2020 Tuition has been decieded by committe.. Byun, Juyeon 2020-03-17 2019년 등록금심의위원회 회의록.pdf 798
3715 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 16 from KCDC (+.. Kim, Yeonji 2020-03-16 Press_Release_(March16)_Afternoon.pdf 688
3714 COVID-19 Moving routes of 35-40th Confirmed Patient in Sejong YANG, Soo-Young 2020-03-16 812
3713 COVID-19 [Notice] EXTENSION_ Temporary Suspension of the Saturday Shu.. Yoon, Haein 2020-03-16 659
3712 COVID-19 [Notice] EXTENSION_ Temporary Suspension of the Saturday Shu.. Yoon, Haein 2020-03-16 647
3711 KDIS Notice Special Lecture by Aleksi Kopponen (Mar 20, Live Streaming) YANG, Soo-Young 2020-03-16 766
3710 KDIS Notice [Research Seminar] by Prof. Lee, Ju-Ho (Live Streaming Semin.. Kang, Yu Jin 2020-03-16 Abstract_200320.pdf 654
3709 KDIS Notice [Notice] EXTENSION_ Temporary Suspension of the Saturday Shu.. Yoon, Haein 2020-03-16 617
3708 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 15 from KCDC (+.. Kim, Yeonji 2020-03-15 Press_Release_(March15)_Afternoon.pdf 691