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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3668 KDIS Notice 공공기관 고객만족도 조사 관련 부패행위 신고 안내 Choe,Jonghee 2020-03-02 부패행위 신고안내.hwp 913
3667 KDIS Notice Convenience Store Newly Opened (E-Mart 24) Kim,Youngmi 2020-03-02 2개의 첨부파일 767
3666 Student Notice Convenience Store Newly Opened (E-Mart 24) Kim,Youngmi 2020-02-28 2개의 첨부파일 694
3665 COVID-19 Moving Routes (Sejong) of Confirmed Patients in Other City LEE, Byung-Kwon 2020-02-28 705
3664 COVID-19 Confirmed cases of COVID-19 according to region Kwon, HyeJune 2020-02-28 676
3663 COVID-19 [Article of Psyciatrist] COVID-19 Cautionary Measures LEE, Jae-Soon 2020-02-27 737
3662 COVID-19 Special message from the Dean YANG, Soo-Young 2020-02-27 682
3661 KDIS Notice Special message from the Dean (Notice for COVID-19) YANG, Soo-Young 2020-02-27 669
3660 COVID-19 Suspected and Tested Cases for COVID-19 (As of Feb. 26, 2020.. LEE, Byung-Kwon 2020-02-26 Suspected and Tested Cases for COVID-19 (As of Feb. 26, 2020).pdf 692
3659 COVID-19 Map of Hand Sanitizer on Campus LEE, Jae-Soon 2020-02-26 665