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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
86 KDIS Notice 2004 Commencement on Dec.10 at 14:00 Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-02 1466
85 KDIS Notice Job Opening (Faculty position-English Lecturer) Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-02 1435
84 KDIS Notice Course Evaluations for the fall term (from Nov. 15 to Nov. 2.. Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-01 1411
83 KDIS Notice First-Round Document Review Result -KDI School Spring 2005 A.. Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-01 1475
82 KDIS Notice Application for Declaring Concentration & KDI School Student.. Hyun Min Sung 2003-11-01 1437
81 KDIS Notice [Alumni Event] Year-End Alumni Dinner Hyun Min Sung 2003-10-31 1395
80 KDIS Notice Application Deadline for Spring 2005 Hyun Min Sung 2003-10-31 1382
79 KDIS Notice KDI School Job Openings (Faculty) Hyun Min Sung 2003-10-31 1495
78 KDIS Notice Event Calendar of 2004 Fall Term Hyun Min Sung 2003-10-31 04Fall_EventsCalendar.ppt 1416
77 KDIS Notice [Alumni Event] Breakfast Lecture - 조찬강연 Hyun Min Sung 2003-10-31 1428