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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
4916 KDIS Notice [RSVP] Invitation to a Networking Event with FUB Students 국제협력팀 2023-08-11 1621
4915 KDIS Notice FAREWELL FOOTBALL MATCH(August. 5th) 학생지원팀 2023-07-31 farewell footballl match.png 1396
4914 KDIS Notice Temporary Suspensions for @kdis.ac.kr Accounts that Exceed S.. Data Unit 2 2023-06-29 (Eng.) Storage Limit Mgmt. Guide_Google Workplace for Education_v.1.1.pdf 2587
4913 KDIS Notice [2023 Summer] Sejong City Tour Field Trip (July. 7th) 학생지원팀 2023-06-27 1907
4912 Student Notice [PR Division] Winner Announcement for 'Living Sustainab.. 최고관리자 2023-06-27 1376
4911 KDIS Notice [RSVP] Research Seminar by Prof. Chungeun Yoon (June 28, 13:.. 연구기획팀 2023-06-26 1495
4910 KDIS Notice Network Maintenance Notice: June 11th (Sunday), 14:00 - 18:0.. 전산2팀 2023-06-05 1414
4909 KDIS Notice [2023 Summer] Studio Cube & Pottery Experience Field Trip (J.. 학생지원팀 2023-05-30 1795
4908 Student Forum Board [African Development Forum] African Day 2023 Celebration (Ma.. 학생지원팀 2023-05-22 2개의 첨부파일 1494
4907 KDIS Notice [2023 Summer] IFEZ & KOREA DRONE-UAM EXPO Field Trip (May. 1.. 학생지원팀 2023-05-03 2242