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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3656 COVID-19 Regulations on Excused Absence of Classes for COVID-19 Preve.. LEE, Byung-Kwon 2020-02-26 646
3655 COVID-19 Restriction of Classrooms Access during the Period of Cancel.. LEE, Byung-Kwon 2020-02-26 612
3654 COVID-19 [Dormitory residents only] DORMITORY Disinfection schedule a.. LEE, Hayoung 2020-02-26 592
3653 COVID-19 [NOTICE] Disinfection Schedule for Preventing the Spread of .. LEE, Hayoung 2020-02-26 592
3652 COVID-19 Precautionary Measures for COVID-19 LEE, Byung-Kwon 2020-02-26 718
3651 KDIS Notice [Notice]Temporary Suspension of the Saturday Shuttle Bus Kim, Yeonji 2020-02-26 612
3650 KDIS Notice [Notice] Temporary closure of school facilities LEE, Hayoung 2020-02-26 627
3649 COVID-19 [Notice] Cancellation of All Classes from February 26 to Mar.. Han,Yoo Rim 2020-02-25 651
3648 KDIS Notice [Notice] Cancellation of All Classes from February 26 to Mar.. Han,Yoo Rim 2020-02-25 698
3647 KDIS Notice 2020 NIIED Global Korea Scholarship Opening (~Mar. 20) Park Minah 2020-02-21 2020 NIIED Scholarship Program.pdf 735