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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3466 Academic Notice [For GMP Students] Research Project 안내 자료 (ELP 포함) LEE,Sukyeong 2019-06-14 Research Projects_ELP포함.pdf 799
3465 KDIS Notice [Special Forum] The 7th International Forum on Housing and U.. Eunseo Kim 2019-06-13 2개의 첨부파일 584
3464 KDIS Notice [EVENT] Looking for Song & Dance Festival MC (Master of Cere.. Park Minah 2019-06-13 795
3463 Exchange Notice [Exchange Program] Presentation materials from Aarhus Univer.. Park, Misun 2019-06-12 Exchange Aarhus BSS Presentation June 2019.pdf 538
3462 GMP Notice GMP 제휴대학 설명회 발표자료 공유 (19.6.17 수정) Kwon, HyeJune 2019-06-11 7개의 첨부파일 1169
3461 KDIS Notice [KDI Healthcare Room] Implementing Quarantine Measures again.. Taesub Kim 2019-06-11 Quarantine Measures against ASF (English).pdf 539
3460 KDIS Notice [Notice] Sejong City Hall Internship Recruitment(Internation.. Byun, Juyeon 2019-06-10 2개의 첨부파일 846
3459 KDIS Notice weekly menu for FTLounge(06.10 ~ 06.15)/ Special meal for Mo.. 2019-06-09 FTLOUNGE (06.10~06.15).pdf 554
3458 KDIS Notice "Precycling KDIS" campaign Jeong, Hwanhee 2019-06-05 531
3457 KDIS Notice [Special Seminar] 아프리카의 지역통합과 4차 산업혁명 ‘Integ.. Eunseo Kim 2019-06-04 [한·아프리카재단] 아프리카 비즈니스 세미나(6.13).jpg 815