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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3276 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu (18. 10. 29 ~ 18. 11. 04) Cheon,Minjoo 2018-10-29 2개의 첨부파일 542
3275 KDIS Notice [Writing Center] Outlining & Paragraph Writing: how to devel.. Son, Sora 2018-10-29 539
3274 KDIS Notice [Writing Center] Quantitative Writing: How to write data in.. Son, Sora 2018-10-29 537
3273 KDIS Notice Special Lecture on Sexual Harassment · Violence Prevention JEONG,Minyoung 2018-10-24 509
3272 KDIS Notice 2018 International Food Festival (Nov.2nd) JEONG,Minyoung 2018-10-23 760
3271 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu (18. 10. 22 ~ 18. 10. 28) Cheon,Minjoo 2018-10-22 2개의 첨부파일 522
3270 KDIS Notice [Writing Workshop] Critical Reading of Academic Texts (Fri, .. Son, Sora 2018-10-22 505
3269 KDIS Notice 한국환경정책·평가연구원 원장 초빙(10월22일 ~ 10월 31일) Goh Seoyun 2018-10-22 환경 원장 초빙 공고문.hwp 490
3268 KDIS Notice [Dormitory Notice] Disinfection Work (Oct 25) Park Minah 2018-10-19 474
3267 KDIS Notice [Call for Poster] Impact Evaluation Conference Poster Sessio.. Song, Jieun 2018-10-17 2개의 첨부파일 564