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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3017 GMP Notice 희망대학 및 영어점수 중간점검 (~2.28, 수) KIM, Hyun Joo 2018-02-23 742
3016 KDIS Notice 2018 NASPAA Student Simulation Competition LEE, Hakbae 2018-02-23 2개의 첨부파일 659
3015 Dormitory Notice [Dormitory Notice] Disposal of the Bikes and Kitchen Utensil.. LEE, Hayoung 2018-02-21 518
3014 Dormitory Notice [Dormitory Notice] Official Room Change Request Period for S.. LEE, Hayoung 2018-02-19 Request for a Dormitory Room Change Form.docx 543
3013 KDIS Notice Offline Course Drop (~Mar. 3rd) LEE, Hakbae 2018-02-19 Course Drop and Withdrawal Application Form (1).pdf 641
3012 KDIS Notice Launch and open a New Student Forum(apply by Feb. 23) Kim, Hyun-Ju 2018-02-14 2개의 첨부파일 658
3011 KDIS Notice [Notice] Seollnal Holiday Hours LEE, Hayoung 2018-02-13 552
3010 KDIS Notice Concentration Declaration in the 2018 Spring Semester LEE, Hakbae 2018-02-13 Information on Declaring Concentration.pdf 677
3009 KDIS Notice [Korean Only]제휴교 Summer Program 안내 Park Minah 2018-02-12 2개의 첨부파일 641
3008 KDIS Notice [Korean Only] 2018-2019 중국 정부초청 장학생 선발 안내 JEONG,Minyoung 2018-02-12 5개의 첨부파일 643