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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
3007 KDIS Notice Application for name change on MIS CHEOUN, Meesong 2018-02-12 Application for change of name.xlsx 538
3006 KDIS Notice No class next week(Feb. 12th to Feb. 17th) due to the Lunar .. LEE, Hakbae 2018-02-08 527
3005 KDIS Notice [NOTICE] KDIS Writing Center Opens for Spring Semester Son, Sora 2018-02-08 Writing Center Information.pptx 1454
3004 Dormitory Notice [Dormitory Notice] Apply for a Kitchen Locker! LEE, Hayoung 2018-02-07 783
3003 KDIS Notice [Central Library] Course Reserves Services BAE, Eunju 2018-02-07 Course Reserves Guide_20180110.pdf 548
3002 KDIS Notice [Buddy] 2018 Spring-Summer Buddy Program (by Feb. 23) YANG,Seungjae 2018-02-07 Name_Buddy_Activity_Report.docx 615
3001 KDIS Notice [NOTICE] Saturday Shuttle Bus Information for 2018 Spring Se.. KIM,Taehoon 2018-02-07 Saturday Shuttle Bus information.pdf 580
3000 KDIS Notice [Club] 2018 Spring Semester Club Registration (by Feb. 23) YANG,Seungjae 2018-02-07 Club Registration Form.xlsx 580
2999 KDIS Notice Writing Center Editor Recruitment (~Feb.14th) Son, Sora 2018-02-05 774
2998 Student Notice (Feb. Health Information) Take 3 Actions to Fight the Flu Kim, Hyunmi 2018-02-01 503