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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
4891 KDIS Notice [~July 31, 6PM] Participate in the 2023 Alumni Working Partn.. 최고관리자 2023-03-08 2153
4890 KDIS Notice [2023 Spring] KFIS & Gyeongbokgung Palace Field Trip (Mar. 1.. Boyoung Kim 2023-03-07 1919
4889 KDIS Notice [2023 Spring] National Research Institute(KLRI & KRIHS) Fiel.. Boyoung Kim 2023-02-21 2095
4888 Student Notice [Only for Korean] 2023 봄&여름학기 버디(Buddy) 프로그램 참가.. 학생지원팀 2023-02-17 2104
4887 Student Notice [PR Division] Winner Announcement for 'Follow Us on Soc.. 최고관리자 2023-02-16 1853
4886 KDIS Notice [Only for Alumni] 2023 Global Leadership Program 국제협력팀 2023-02-14 [KDI School] Leaflet_Global Leadership Program.pdf 5136
4885 Student Club [2023 Spring] Student Club List Boyoung Kim 2023-02-10 Student+Club+Activity+Report_22+Fall_compressed.pdf 2342
4884 KDIS Notice [2023 Spring] National Civil Defense and Disaster Management.. Boyoung Kim 2023-02-07 2174
4883 Student Notice Student Forum Application for 2023 Spring/Summer 학생지원팀 2023-02-07 (Forms) Student Forum Application.docx 2160
4882 Student Notice [Job Opening] Spring 2023 KDIS Student Reporters 홍보팀 2023-01-27 1961