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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
2807 Student Forum Board Introducing Student Forum Kim, Hyun-Ju 2017-06-26 2개의 첨부파일 573
2806 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu(17. 06. 26 - 17. 07. 02) Shin, Boram 2017-06-26 2개의 첨부파일 575
2805 KDIS Notice [성과평가팀] Part-time 연구보조원 모집 Jung, Young Joo 2017-06-26 677
2804 Academic Notice Application for graduation eligibility review(by July 7th) LEE, Hakbae 2017-06-23 467
2803 Academic Notice Amendments to KDI School Rules and Regulations LEE, Hakbae 2017-06-21 규정개정 사전공지문_1.pdf 452
2802 Cafeteria Satisfaction Survey concerning Cafeteria, Mangosix, GS25 Shin, Boram 2017-06-19 628
2801 Student Club [Econometrics Club] - May 27, June 3-17 RODRIGUEZ RAMIREZ , Rony Rodrigo Maximiliano 2017-06-19 472
2800 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu(17. 06. 19 - 17. 06. 25) Shin, Boram 2017-06-19 2개의 첨부파일 492
2799 KDIS Notice [Deadline Extended]2017 Song and Dance Festival Application(.. Park Minah 2017-06-14 2017 Song n Dance Application Form.doc 503
2798 KDIS Notice [KDI Central Library] 2017 Summer Web DB Workshop Lee, Jihye 2017-06-14 499