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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
2737 KDIS Notice 2017년 한국개발연구원국제정책대학원 기록물분류기준표 고시 2017-04-24 KDI국제정책대학원  기록물분류기준표_고시_201704.xlsx 552
2736 Academic Notice [KDIS] Additional Academic Writing course added for Summer S.. Lee, eun chong 2017-04-21 3개의 첨부파일 578
2735 Student Notice [Korean Speaking Stuents Only]경찰청 주관 2017 안보사랑 콘테.. Park Minah 2017-04-21 729
2734 Student Club Swimming Club (21st of April 2017) 12:00 pm DAGVA, Ulziibat 2017-04-19 509
2733 Academic Notice Academic Integrity in Examinations LEE, Hakbae 2017-04-18 509
2732 Student Notice [Counseling Office] Student Adjustment Survey LEE, Jae-Soon 2017-04-17 KDIS SURVEY_CounselingOffice.docx 760
2731 Academic Notice Application for Graduation Eligibility Review of 2017 Spring.. LEE, Hakbae 2017-04-17 Manual_graduation eligibilty review.pdf 550
2730 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu (04.17 ~ 04.23) Shin, Boram 2017-04-17 2개의 첨부파일 552
2729 KDIS Notice [International StudentS Only]The 10th Together Day Talent Co.. Park Minah 2017-04-17 10주년 세계인의날 기념 외국인유학생장기자랑 경연대회 자료집.pdf 527
2728 Student Club 2017 Spring Club Activity Report Submission (~4.28) Suong, Boeun 2017-04-13 3개의 첨부파일 654