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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
2727 KDIS Notice [Madatory offline Education] Sexual Harassment Prevention an.. Kim, Hyun-Ju 2017-04-13 590
2726 Academic Notice Course Registration Information for Summer Semester 2017 Lee, eun chong 2017-04-11 4개의 첨부파일 858
2725 KDIS Notice Volunteer to Join a KTV Talk Show YOON, Minjung 2017-04-11 571
2724 KDIS Notice CA/AA/TA Application Notice for Summer Semester 2017 Song, Jieun 2017-04-11 Application Manual.docx 531
2723 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu (04.10 ~ 04.16) Shin, Boram 2017-04-10 2개의 첨부파일 523
2722 KDIS Notice [Koreans Only] 2017 이탈리아 정부초청 장학생 선발 안내 Park Minah 2017-04-10 2개의 첨부파일 623
2721 Student Club SWIMMING CLUB (Sat 8th April, 2:00 pm) DAGVA, Ulziibat 2017-04-07 Swimming Club.png 513
2720 Student Club Volley Ball Club (Spring 2017); Every Wednesday 18:30 and Sa.. KACHALE, Daniel Thanthwe 2017-04-06 506
2719 Student Notice [Korean male students only] 재학생입영연기자를 위한 병역이행.. LEE, Hakbae 2017-04-06 재학생입영연기자를 위한 병역이행안내문.hwp 512
2718 Student Notice Temporary Leave Request for Spring Vacation Application Open.. Park Minah 2017-04-06 Guildeline for Temporary Leave Request.pdf 514