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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
2667 Academic Notice [new course added] Course Registration Information for the .. Lee, eun chong 2017-01-23 3개의 첨부파일 733
2666 Dormitory Notice 국내주간 복학생 대상 2017 봄학기 기숙사 추가입실 안내 (1.24) LEE, Hayoung 2017-01-23 526
2665 Dormitory Notice 국내주간 재학생 대상 2017 봄학기 기숙사 추가입실 안내 (1.24) LEE, Hayoung 2017-01-23 522
2664 Academic Notice [Mandatory] special lecture on understanding Sexual Harassme.. Kim, Hyun-Ju 2017-01-23 how to enroll the course_understanding sexual harassment .pdf 535
2663 Exchange Notice [Exchang]교환학생 선발 기준 안내 Park Minah 2017-01-23 596
2662 GMP Notice [야간] Part-time GMP 수강관련 KIM, Hyun Joo 2017-01-23 615
2661 KDIS Notice REPORTERS WANTED FOR THE GLOBE! Gong, Yeonhwa 2017-01-23 549
2660 KDIS Notice Staff Introduction Video Clip LEE, Hakbae 2017-01-23 733
2659 KDIS Notice 2017 Spring Semester CA/AA/TA Application Notice (1/24~1/25) Song, Jieun 2017-01-23 Application Manual.docx 587
2658 KDIS Notice Course Presentation Session(CPS) Schedule for the Spring sem.. Lee, eun chong 2017-01-21 2개의 첨부파일 605