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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
2549 Student Club KDIS Christian Fellowship: 'Fully Equipped' RUGARE, ENIA DAMBUDZO 2016-10-06 14569823_10208033646225992_280465849_n.png 512
2548 KDIS Notice [KDIS] 2016 Sports Day Notice(Team/ T-shirts Distribution) Park, Junsuk 2016-10-06 3개의 첨부파일 605
2547 Student Forum Board KDIS International Relations Forum Event - September 30th 20.. BOUMAIZ, Youssef 2016-10-04 542
2546 Dormitory Notice [Notice] Dormitory Room Change Period Song, Jeongwon 2016-10-04 Request for Dormitory Room Change.pdf 545
2545 Cafeteria Cafeteria Menu(10.3~10.9) Lee, Eun Hye 2016-09-30 2개의 첨부파일 577
2544 KDIS Notice [NOTICE] 2016 KDIS International Food Festival (Oct. 28th) LEE, Hayoung 2016-09-30 2016 Food Festival Application Form.xlsx 794
2543 Student Club KDIS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: ETERNAL FOUNDATIONS RUGARE, ENIA DAMBUDZO 2016-09-29 14469364_10207981691927167_1572570980_n.png 538
2542 KDIS Notice [KOREAN ONLY] 2016-2017 슬로바키아 정부초청 장학생 선발안내 Baik, Juseok 2016-09-29 2016-2017 슬로바키아정부초청장학생 선발 안내.hwp 571
2541 Dormitory Notice [Notice] Fire Drill (September 30th, Fri) Song, Jeongwon 2016-09-28 4개의 첨부파일 571
2540 KDIS Notice Notice for expectation of Amendments to KDI School Rules and.. LEE, Hakbae 2016-09-28 Amendments_7th committee.pdf 635