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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
46 KDIS Notice [Notice] 2003 ADB Summer Internship Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-03 1382
45 KDIS Notice Special Lecture Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1309
44 KDIS Notice [TA/AA] The Result of TA/AA Selection for Spring Term Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1357
43 KDIS Notice Notice: Cancelled Courses and Newly Offered Course Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1280
42 KDIS Notice NOTICE : Application for Taking a Concentration from a diffe.. Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1328
41 KDIS Notice Change in Course Schedule for English Classes Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1282
40 KDIS Notice Application for Working Scholarship(TA/AAship) Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1336
39 KDIS Notice Course Registration for 2003 Spring Term Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1308
38 KDIS Notice 2003 Orientation for New Students Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 1382
37 KDIS Notice Course Schedule for 2003 Spring Term Hyun Min Sung 2002-12-02 Schedule-2003_Spring-1.xls 1363