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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
31 KDIS Notice Korean Module of the IMPM at the KDI School Hyun Min Sung 2002-11-01 3739
30 KDIS Notice [NOTICE]Second Year Study Plans & Departure Schedules Hyun Min Sung 2002-11-01 1609
29 KDIS Notice NOTICE: Special Lecture Hyun Min Sung 2002-11-01 1652
28 KDIS Notice KDI School Spring 2004 Admissions : First-Round Document Rev.. Hyun Min Sung 2002-11-01 1855
27 KDIS Notice Admissions Deadline for Spring 2004 [Oct.31, 2003] Hyun Min Sung 2002-10-31 1759
26 KDIS Notice NOTICE : Application period for declaring concentration(s) Hyun Min Sung 2002-10-31 1687
25 KDIS Notice Faculty Recruitment Hyun Min Sung 2002-10-31 1673
24 KDIS Notice KDI School OPEN HOUSE <10/11(토) 입학설명회 개최> Hyun Min Sung 2002-10-31 1711
23 KDIS Notice [NOTICE]Request for Arranging a Thesis Supervisor Hyun Min Sung 2002-10-31 1630
22 KDIS Notice 2002 Homecoming Hyun Min Sung 2001-12-09 1700