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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
4362 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 9 from KCDC (+6.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-04-12 20210409_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 896
4361 KDIS Notice [HAPPY HOUR] Be a Happy hour presenter! (Due~ by April 26th,.. Jung, Yura 2021-04-12 2021 HAPPY HOUR -Proposal.xlsx 950
4360 COVID-19 Moving routes of confirmed patient in Sejong Song, Jihye 2021-04-09 866
4359 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 8 from KCDC (+7.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-04-09 20210408_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 877
4358 COVID-19 Moving routes of confirmed patient in Sejong Song, Jihye 2021-04-08 1042
4357 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 7 from KCDC (+6.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-04-08 20210407_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 941
4356 GMP Notice [GMP] 2021년 5월 제휴대학 설명회 일정: 퀸즈랜드대, 조지워싱턴.. LEE, Hayoung 2021-04-07 1001
4355 COVID-19 Moving routes of confirmed patient in Sejong Song, Jihye 2021-04-07 985
4354 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 6 from KCDC (+4.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-04-07 20210406_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 904
4353 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of April 5 from KCDC (+4.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-04-06 20210405_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 885