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NOTICE & CALENDAR > Notice 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 첨부파일, 조회수
No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
4312 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 10 from KCDC (+.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-11 20210310_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 840
4311 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 9 from KCDC (+4.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-11 20210309_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 876
4310 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 8 from KCDC (+3.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-09 20210308_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 846
4309 COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccination and AEFI update (March 4) Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-09 20210304_COVID-19_Vaccination_and_AEFI.pdf 870
4308 GMP Notice [GMP] 2021학년도 가을 해외대학 파견 준비 안내 LEE, Hayoung 2021-03-08 1112
4307 GMP Notice [GMP] 2021년 4월 제휴대학 설명회 일정: 노팅엄대(취소), 콜로라.. LEE, Hayoung 2021-03-08 1305
4306 COVID-19 Moving routes of Confirmed patient in Sejong Song, Jihye 2021-03-08 912
4305 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 7 from KCDC (+4.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-08 20210307_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 870
4304 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 6 from KCDC (+4.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-08 20210306_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 858
4303 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of March 5 from KCDC (+3.. Kim, Yeonji 2021-03-08 20210305_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 874