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No. Category Title Name Date Attachments Hit
4233 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of January 16 from KCDC .. Kim, Yeonji 2021-01-17 20210116_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 870
4232 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of January 15 from KCDC .. Kim, Yeonji 2021-01-15 20210115_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 846
4231 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of January 14 from KCDC .. Kim, Yeonji 2021-01-15 20210114_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 852
4230 KDIS Notice [Notice] 2021년도 봄학기 등록금 납부/한국장학재단 대출/가계곤.. Goh Seoyun 2021-01-15 5개의 첨부파일 1372
4229 Exchange Notice 교환프로그램 담당자 변경 (2021 봄학기~) Park, Misun 2021-01-13 1422
4228 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of January 13 from KCDC .. Kim, Yeonji 2021-01-13 20210113_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 894
4227 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of January 12 from KCDC .. Kim, Yeonji 2021-01-13 20210112_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 916
4226 COVID-19 The updates on COVID-19 in Korea as of January 11 from KCDC .. Kim, Yeonji 2021-01-12 20210111_COVID-19_Press_Release.pdf 879
4225 KDIS Notice [기재부] 21년 국민참여예산 집중접수 개시 알림 Choe,Jonghee 2021-01-12 897
4224 GMP Notice [GMP] 2021 국내학생 MT 신청 및 GMP 오리엔테이션 안내 LEE, Hayoung 2021-01-11 3개의 첨부파일 1357