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캠퍼스 라이프


More than just a Place to Sleep!

The KDI School dormitory rooms are located on campus. Both Korean and international students may reside in the dormitory during their studies at KDI School. However, students are not required to live in the dormitory and may arrange their own accommodation.

Given that KDI School has been admitting students from more than 70 countries around the world every year, its diverse student body provides a unique educational environment. Dormitory living as well is about learning to be independent, getting along with others, and making friends from various ethnic and professional backgrounds. It’s a place full of opportunities to learn life skills and receive an education beyond the classroom.

Visit Kdi Dormitory

Communal Facilities

Outside of Domitory이미지
Outside of Domitory
Laundry Room : Washing machines, Dryer machines이미지
Laundry Room : Washing machines, Dryer machines
Kitchen : Microwaves, Electric stoves, Toasters, Rice이미지
Kitchen : Microwaves, Electric stoves, Toasters, Rice
Dining Lounge이미지
Dining Lounge